“Owning your story is the bravest thing you’ll ever do.
Photo credit Lookout Books
I teach a variety of online writing classes throughout the year via Zoom. If you see a class that is sold out, and you’re interested in signing up, drop me an email (camerondezenhammon@gmail.com). You can find more information and registration here:
coaching for writers
For writers in the beginning of a book project (or half-way through), I will help you map out a strategy for finishing your book. We will discuss structure, voice, and story, as well as how (and when) to submit your project to agents and editors.
consulting for authors
Social media, branding, strategic consulting for authors seeking to maximize their efforts prior to or during the agent and press querying stage. Social media can be befuddling for authors. Questions like, Does Facebook really bury posts with links in them? Why are my posts getting so few likes? can weigh us down. I help authors navigate Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter social media platforms to maximize it’s efficacy. This is not about becoming an influencer, but rather about learning how to boost your efforts without paying to promote your posts.
Developmental editing
Developmental editing is big-picture feedback on a book-length project. I will read your manuscript and write to you about what I think could or should change and why. I will answer the questions “what is this about (or why is it unclear)?” and “how can this book be made ready to be taken out on submission?” Expect suggestions that could include major re-structuring, changing the tense of the manuscript, the POV (usually in fiction), cutting or adding chapters, and more.